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Support The Buffalo Soldiers Association of West Point
Your generous donation helps us complete our mission to acknowledge, honor, promote, and preserve the history and contributions of Buffalo Soldiers and military persons that served the United States of America.
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Buffalo Soldiers Association of West Point 6 West St
Highland Falls, NY 10928

Who Help Support Us
Our work thrives due to dedicated organizations and individuals who invest their time, skills, and passion, making our shared vision a reality.
We're forever grateful.
West Point Buffalo Soldiers Monument Donor Roll Call
- General Sherman Sponsor
Donation of $50,000 to 74,999 - General Pershing Sponsor
Donation of $75,000 and above - General Merritt Sponsor
Donation of $25,000 to $49,999 - General Grierson Sponsor
Donation of $15,000 to $24,999 - Regimental Colonel Sponsor
Donation of $10,000 - $14,999 - Squadron Commander Sponsor
Donation of $5,000 – $9,999 - Troop Commander Sponsor
Donation of $1000 - $4,999 - First Sergeant Supporter
Donation of $500 - $999 - Sergeant Supporter
Donation of $150 - $499 - Trooper Supporter
Donation up to $149.00
General Sherman Sponsor
Donation of $50,000 to 74,999
Carter Family in Memory of LtGen Marshall S. Carter USMA 1931 & BGen Clifton C. Carter USMA 1899
Gary & Moira Sinise
General Pershing Sponsor
Donation of $75,000 and above
Johnson & Johnson
General Merritt Sponsor
Donation of $25,000 to $49,999
7 Eleven Cares Foundation
Iron Sword, LLC
MG (Ret.) Fred & Mrs. Marcia Gorden in Memory of Mr. & Mrs. Alfred E. Stewart, Sr.
Dr. & Mrs. Lawrence G. Hughes
US Electrodynamics, Inc. in Honor of Jim Veeder
General Grierson Sponsor
Donation of $15,000 to $24,999
First Hope Bank
Caufield Family Foundation
McDonald's Corporation
North East Frontier NABSTMC
MAJ (Ret.) Joseph & Cecila Lunsford
Regimental Colonel Sponsor
Donation of $10,000 - $14,999
Darryl & Leslye Fraser Charitable Fund
Squadron Commander Sponsor
Donation of $5,000 – $9,999
Durkin & Durkin, LLC
Mutual of America Foundation
GEN (Ret.) Lloyd J. Austin
BG (Ret.) David E.K. & Kathy Cooper
GEN (Ret.) Dennis J. Reimer in Honor of Marcia Gorden
Thomas Schoonmaker
Troop Commander Sponsor
Donation of $1000 - $4,999
African American Federal Executive Association, Inc.
American Online Giving Foundation (Match United Technologies)
Buffalo Soldiers MC of West Point
Buffalo Soldiers MC of Central MD
Buffalo Troopers of NYC, Inc.
Chevron Incorporated
Craig & Terri Jung 2010 Trust
Hill Holiday, LLC in Honor of NABSTMC
Morris, Downing, Sherred, LLP
Southside VA BSMC Chapter
USMA AOG, USMA Class of 1963
USMA AOG, Class of 1979
Mr. Jesse B. Adams
Joe Anderson, Class of '65
MG (Ret.) Byron S. Bagby
Norm & Agnes Beatty
David A. Burn
Donald A. Burns
COL (Ret.) Ralph R. Burr, Jr.
COL (Ret.) Jeffrey C. Corbett in Honor of Leonard Corbett
Dr. Telita Crosland
Mr. John W. Darrah III in Honor of John W. Darrah, Jr.
Charles R. Ditchendorf
Mr. & Mrs. James W. Dunmyer
Mrs. Marcia Stewart Gorden in Memory of Mr. & Mrs. Alfred E. Stewart, Sr.
James Gorman
Mr. William & Mrs. Madeline Greene
Mr. Arthur Gregg
LTG (Ret.) Mark Hertling
COL (Ret.) David S. Jackson & Family in Memory of GEN Edward C. Meyer
Kevin T. James
Don L. Lair
Robert F. Lockett, Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. Peter Mansoor
GEN (Ret.) Barry & Mrs. Jill McCaffery
Dr. Warren F. Miller
Rory & Lena Miott
Mr. George S. Montiero in Honor of George B. Montiero
Mr. Michael Munoz
Mr. & Mrs. Michael & Mary Carter O'Connor in Memory of LtGen Marshall S. Carter
Donald A. Outing
MG (Ret.) Dana Pittard
Kenneth D. Preston
Wim H. Raijmann (Pledge)
Drs. David & Marlene Reagin
John M. Rocco
Kenneth D. Rowland
COL (Chap Ret.) Kenneth & Mrs. Katheryn Sampson in Honor of MG (Ret.) Fred Gorden
Melvin Smith
Gary R. Steele in Memory of Frank R. Steele
General William & Mrs. Joyce Ward
COL (Ret.) Thearon Williams
Mrs. Suzanne L. Wojcik in Memory of Joseph J. Wojcik
Mr. Charles Wuerpel
First Sergeant Supporter
Donation of $500 - $999
Antioch Baptist Church
Brevity Community Impact Fund c/o United Technologies
Buffalo Soldiers M/C of Boston
NJ Buffalo Soldiers' MC, Inc.
Francesco Accetta
Ms. Clara Adams-Ender
Steven L. Arnold
Gerald Belcher
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Black
The Honorable Sanford Bishop
Mr. Herman Bulls
COL (Ret.) Robert C. Carroll
Jerome J. and Mary Karen Comello
Dr. William M. & Sheila L. Cross
Mr. Byron J. Gibson in Memory of John H. Gibson
COL (Ret.) Samuel Hartwell in Memory of CPT Darwin J. Hartwell, WW II
Mr. John R. Higgins in Honor of David S. Jackson
Leland Jourdan
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence R. Kohs
Michelle G. Latour
Mr. Joseph Lucas
Mr. Carl R. McAloose
Marlene Medina in Memory of SGT & Mrs. Sanders Matthews
Michael Meese
Dr. Dwayne S. Milburn in Memory of Mr. Donald H. Milburn
Stephen Morris
Mr. Michael Oates in Honor of USMA Class of 1979
COL (Chap) Matthew P. Pawlikowski
William Petty
Troy A. Schnack
Mr. Donald Scott
Joseph & Myralon Simmons
Mr. Archie Taylor
John Thomson
Gene B. Tomlinson
William A. Vollmer
Wayne & Joanne Willis, RLT
Elizabeth K. Witzel
Robert Y. & Mildred M. Wong
Stephen F. Yunker
Sergeant Supporter
Donation of $150 - $499
Thomas R. Middaugh Living Trust
Joseph A. Almaguer
Joseph Adornetto
MG (Ret.) Dorian T. Anderson
Mr. Wayne Barth in Honor of Rev. Ken Sampson
Frederick C. Bothwell III
Mr. & Mrs. Oswald Boykin III in Memory of Doug Gurian
David S. Bramlett
Loree N. Blount
COL (Ret.) Joseph Briggs
Ms. Brenda Brockington
Muriel L. Brown
Philip J. Burns
William P. Carter
Ronald E. Cox
Philip A. Costain
Dr. Wanda M. Costen
Yolanda T. Cuffie
Jerry Curry
Mr. & Mrs. Jerome J. Dittman
Mr. Michael Duff
Mr. William Dworsak
LTG (Ret.) Samuel E. Ebbesen
Rudy A. Esteves
LTG (Ret.) George A. & Brenda P. Fisher
P.E. Freeman, Jr.
Shawn G. Fontenette
Mr. Foster Fountain
Mr. Foster Fountain III
COL (Ret.) Greg Gadson
MG (Ret.) Robert Gaskill
Mr. Marc Gunnels in Honor of MG (Ret.) Fred A. Gorden
George & Marilyn Handy
James Harrington
Herbert Harvell, Jr. in Memory of Herbert Harvell Sr.
Angelene Hemingway
Thomas & Sally Herre
COL (Ret.) Herbert Hertel
John J. Hickey, Jr.
Ms. Jmichelle Hill
Dr. & Mrs. Chris & Carol Hostler
Samuel J. Hughes III
Stephen A. Ingalls
Raymond M. Jefferson
J.W. Jones, Jr.
Glenn Joseph
Thomas A. Kennedy, Jr.
Mr. Richard S. Kent in Honor of MG (Ret.) Fred A. Gorden
Kevin A. Kimzey
COL (Ret.) William G. Kosco
Dr. Kathleen Koski
COL (Ret.) BJ Laster
Joseph P. Lynem
Jim Malloy
Mr. William David McMarley
Ms. Lucretia McClenney
Brian McEnany
Kerry McNair in Honor of CSM James & Mrs. Esther Mayfield
Barbara J. & COL (Ret.) David R. McLaughlin
Warren F. Miller
Michael D. Miner in Memory of James E. David, Jr.
David W. Moore
Teresa K. Myers (Jackson) in Honor of COL (Ret.) David S. Jackson
Robert Nabors
Ms. Lucia Nazzaro
Timothy K. & Susan O'Connor in Honor of COL (Ret.) David S. Jackson
Mr. Carl Owens
BG (Ret.) Jude Patin
Mr. Darrell Peebles
Ms. Lynn B. Poe in Memory of Mr. David C. Poe, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Howard T. Prince II
MG (Ret.) Hawthorne Proctor
Stephanie Puckett in Memory of Robert P. Johnson
Mr. Daniel E. Rice in Honor of MG (Ret.) Fred Gorden
Jerry Rose
Mr. James L. Ross
Dr. Samuel G. Saldivar
Michael G. Schredl
Mr. Robert G. Simmons
BG (Ret.) Earl Simms
Kerwin Smith
Michael L. Smith
Mr. Al Velus Sneed in Honor of Buffalo Soldiers Aberdeen, MD
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Spina
Ms. Angela M. Steever in Honor of Mr. Andrew E. Steever
Mr. & Mrs. Alfred E. Stewart, Jr. in Honor of Mr. Alfred E. Stewart, Sr.
COL (Ret.) Donald A. Tapscott
Hector A. Tomlinson
COL (Ret.) David Thomas
Gordon Trowbridge
Mr. Robert J. Warren in Memory of Herbert D. Carrington
Paul L. Washington Jr.
Paul & Patty Wertz
Henry W. Worthington in Honor of MG (Ret.) Fred A. Gorden
Trooper Supporter
Donation up to $149.00
AOC Key Solutions, Inc.
Buffalo Soldiers MC of Ohio
Mclaughlin Bookkeeping Services, LLC
Mr. & Mrs. William F. Adams in Memory of Sanders Matthews
Patricia Belton-Bates
Andrew Benjamin
LTG (Ret.) Gwen Bingham
Colbert L. Boyd
Arthur S. Brown in Memory of Mrs. Sugar Lee Brown
Audrey R. Brown
Mr. Keirn C. Brown Jr.
MG Walter J. Bryde, Jr.
Larry Burnett in Memory of MG Charles Bussey, NC A&T Class of '55
William R. Calhoun, Jr.
Gail M. Chambers
Gail C. Clarke
Dr. Adrian A. Cordovi in Honor of Mr. & Mrs. Harry and Lila Garten
COL (Ret.) Brenda F. Cruchfield
LTC (Ret.) Chailendreia M. Dickens
Michelle A. Clark-Dismuke
John L. Dornberger
COL (Ret.) George R. and Elizabeth Duncan
Mr. & Mrs. Trevor Dupuy
Edward J. & Gail H. Dwyer
John & Hahn E. Easterbrook
Stanley L. Evans
Mr. John H. Fagan
LTC Robert & COL Mary Frank in Memory of Dr. Dudley Cornish
Michel & Mary Ghandour in Honor of COL (Ret.) Dave Jackson
Edward A. Hamilton
Jeanette Hammond
Dr. G.M. Hampton, Sr.
COL (Ret.) Craig Hanford
Joseph Harris, Jr.
Thomas R. Henneberry
Glen & Helen Houlihan in Memory of Stewart J. Mosby, Class of 1982
Mr. Hamilton Hudgins
Harvey J. Jackson
Uncle L. E. Jackson
Leonard H. Jones
W. Jones, Jr.
Thomas D. von Kaenel in Memory of Luellen Earle
Thomas A. Kennedy, Jr.
Dan Krebill
NY State SEN. William J. Larkin, Jr.
Dea Martin in Memory of Howson H. Martin
Mrs. Carolyn D. Lee in Memory of Mr. Sanders H. Matthews
Mrs. Patricia Martellaro in Memory of Mrs. JoAnn Johnson Brown
Joe C. Mayfield in Memory of Scott E. Mayfield
Erin McCoy
Gail F. McFarland
Thomas R. Middaugh
Ms. Helena Mishoe
BG (Ret.) Thomas J. Moore
Thomas E. Murray II in Honor of MG (Ret.) Fred. A. Gorden
Lisa O'Connor
LTG (Ret.) Robert L. Ord III
COL (Ret.) Tommy & Emma Osborne
Rosemary A. Pappas
Edwin M. Perry
Mr. & Mrs. James Peterson
Paul A. Petzrick, Jr.
David J. Philips
Lyttle Preston Hughes
Ronda Price
Shirley I. Quiles
Russel G. Quimby
COL (Ret.) Lawrence C. Richardson
Stella C. Root
Lee B. Ross
Brian Rusk
Devaraj Sahu
Leslie Yakol Sapp
Mr. Ken L. Scott in Memory of Ernest R. Morgan, Jr.
Mr. Charles L. Shaw
Robert D. Shuey
LTC (Ret.) Thomas A Simcox
Mr. John N. Sloan
Erica C. Sperry
Carol Strong
LTG (Ret.) Theodore G. Stroup
Ila W. Tatum
Porcher L. Taylor Jr.
Robert F. Thomas
Charles W. & Virginia L. Tonneson in Memory of JoAnn (Johnson) Brown
Dr. Terrence R. Tutchings
Stephen Trynosky
Thomas M. Voytek
Nikki Wildman in Honor of John B. Williams, U.S. Army Veteran WW II
COL (Ret.) Kenneth M. Younger
Mrs. Winalee A. Zeeb in Honor of COL (Ret.) Dave Jackson
Mr. & Mrs. Ernest G. Zenker in Memory of Glen Blumhardt and in Honor of West Point Class of 1962
Thank You
To all our donors,
partners and volunteers
We want to take a moment to express our heartfelt gratitude for your unwavering support, dedication, and commitment to our cause. Your contributions, whether in the form of donations, partnerships, or volunteering, have played a pivotal role in helping us drive positive change and make a lasting impact in the lives of those we serve.
Together, we have been able to overcome challenges and work towards our shared vision of creating a better, more inclusive world for all. Your generosity, expertise, and passion have not only fueled our mission but also inspired countless others to join our cause.
Once again, thank you for your continued support, and for being an integral part of our journey. We look forward to achieving even greater milestones together in the future.
With our deepest appreciation,
Dr. Aundrea Matthews
Buffalo Soldiers of West Point